
Malaysia's Top Rated Sales & Marketing Partners For Dentists!

Add An Extra 30+ Clients To Your Dental Clinic Under 12 Weeks Without Paying Monthly Fees To Marketing Agencies!

Our systems work perfectly for clinics offering :

Braces, Implants, Veneers, Bridges & more!







How Does This Program Work ?

WEEK 1 - 3

  • Market Study

  • Funnel Ideation

  • Ad Shoot

  • Ad Launch

  • Admin Training

WEEK 4 - 8

  • Data Collection & Report

  • Leads Starts To Come In

  • Initial Sales Kicks In

  • Feedback Calls

WEEK 9 - 12

  • More Leads Coming In

  • Clients Start Buying Your High-Ticket Programs

  • Your Team Handles A New Influx Of New Customers


What If I Sign Up & I Get No Results From This Program ?

We don't ask you to judge us based on our happy clients, we ask you to judge us based on our UNHAPPY clients because we have so few of them even after servicing this industry for over 5 years. If in the event that you do not get results, we have a 100% work for free guarantee until we either give you the appointments as promised or you make back the money you invested with us! We don't get paid until you do!

How Much Is This Program ?

Our prices are 100% custom to your needs, budget & goals that you want out of this partnership. We strongly suggest you to register your details with us so we can assess your business & give you an accurate range of how much you would need to invest in this program.

Does This Work For Anyone ?

Unfortunately, we're not magicians, wish we were though! This program works best for clinics who are already doing at least RM20,000/m in revenue & have a proven good track record of customers and reviews. If you are entirely new or starting up, this wouldn't work for you.

© Clinic Growth Malaysia | All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The results you see from our clients are not direct representations of how the results will be for your clinic. Your results may differ depending on location, price & offer. If you're looking for a quick way to make money easily, this isn't for you.